Could not load global traps file. A hot folder, or the hot global trap file has not been defined Problem with dongle: E_RELEASECODE Problem with dongle: EvE System Driver or interface code corrupted. Problem with dongle: No EvE Hardware key present Problem with dongle: EvE Resource missing Problem with dongle: EvE Resource wrong or corrupted Problem with dongle: EvE System Driver missing Problem with dongle: Not responding correctly Failed to move hot file to originals folder on another volume Failed to move hot file to originals folder on same volume Can't ask user about custom color conversion while using hot folders Input and originals hot folders are the same. Can't find hot folder in its parent directory. Hot folder volume cannot be mounted. Can't find hot folder parent directory. Could not read preferences from message. Invalid packed recipient. Canceled during check of resources. Canceled because fonts were missing. This file contains Patterns, which Trapper cannot handle. This file contains TrueType fonts, which Trapper cannot handle. Could not open file. Sifopen(). Canceled because more than one custom color has the same name. Canceled open during choosing of spot colors. Canceled open during loading of document. Inadequate disk space to save temporary image files. postscript_import_file() failed. Canceled open during detection of vignettes. PS_check_resources() failed. Cancel